How to Reduce Allergens in a Workplace

With hay fever season fast approaching, it is important to be prepared on how to avoid allergy flareups. Allergies affect more individuals than ever before, and while the symptoms are difficult to live with at any time, they’re especially difficult to manage at work. It’s nearly impossible to be productive when your eyes itch and your nose runs.  Therefore, reducing allergens in the workplace is key, which is why we’re sharing our professional top tips with you.

Allergy triggers

Some of the most common allergy triggers include:

  • Pollen
  • Dust mites
  • Mould spores
  • Fumes from cleaning agents

How to avoid allergens

There are a few basic steps you should take in the workplace to avoid the triggers that may cause allergy symptoms such as:

  • Sanitise hard surfaces and workspaces with disinfectant wipes or a spray.
  • Hoover the floors every day.
  • If the office is humid, use a dehumidifier to limit the risk of mould.
  • Make sure there is appropriate ventilation throughout the office.
  • To avoid allergy transmission, make sure that all employees wash their hands often.

The most effective strategy to decrease office allergies is to eliminate allergens from the workplace as much as possible. Many allergens that cause your workers so much suffering can be easily removed with daily mopping, vacuuming, and dusting, making your workplace a healthier and more pleasant place to be. Keeping the office perfectly clean and dust-free can be a difficult task, but with the assistance of a commercial cleaning company, the challenge becomes much easier.

At United Cleaning Solutions, we are dedicated to meeting every requirement to make life easier for our clients, and so offer a range of cleaning services which we feel are competitive, reliable and give our clients the opportunity to one handy and convenient invoice. For more information, make sure to get in touch today.